

To help you learn more about what's happening within your application, Confetti provides robust logging services that allow you to log messages to files, the system error log, and even to Slack to notify your entire team.

Under the hood, Confetti utilizes the Syslogopen in new window library, which provides support for a variety of powerful log handlers. Confetti makes it a cinch to configure these handlers, allowing you to mix and match them to customize your application's log handling.


All of the configuration for your application's logging system is housed in the config/logging.go configuration file. This file allows you to configure your application's log channels, so be sure to review each of the available channels and their options. We'll review a few common options below.

By default, Confetti will use the stack channel when logging messages. The stack channel is used to aggregate multiple log channels into a single channel. For more information on building stacks, check out the documentation below.

Configuring The Channel Name

The name provided is for reference only, so you can log specifically to that channel.

"daily": loggers.Syslog{
    Path:           Path.Storage + "/logs/{yyyy-mm-dd}_default.log",
    MinLevel:       syslog.DEBUG,
    AppName:        App.Name,
    MaxFiles:       14,
    HideStackTrace: true,

Preconceived Channels

stackA wrapper to facilitate creating "multi-channel" channels
singleA single file or path based logger channel
dailyA new log file every day, old ones are automatically deleted
slackA channel that pushes messages to Slack
stderrLogs are written to stderr

It is very easy to create a channel yourself. Use an existing logger or create your own. The loggers only need to implement interface inter.Logger.

Configuring Most Common Loggers

Most channels are based on loggers.Syslog. This logger can write files, but can also be used by any ʻio.Writer`.

PathThe path to the log file
PermissionThe log file's permissions0644
MinLevelThe minimum "level" a message must be in order to be loggedEMERG
MaxFilesAutomatically clean up old logs when overwriting x number of logs0 (off)
HideStackTraceIf true, no stack trace will be loggedfalse
FacilitySpecify the type of program that is logging the message8 (USER)
WriterDefine your own writer here

Configuring The Slack Channel

The slack channel requires a WebhookUrl configuration option. This URL should match a URL for an incoming webhookopen in new window that you have configured for your Slack team. By default, Slack will only receive logs at the critical level and above; however, you can adjust this in your logging configuration file.

Building Log Stacks

As previously mentioned, the stack driver allows you to combine multiple channels into a single log channel. To illustrate how to use log stacks, let's take a look at an example configuration that you might see in a production application:

Channels: map[string]inter.Logger{
    "stack": loggers.Stack{
        Channels: []string{"daily", "slack"},

    "daily": loggers.Syslog{
        Path:     Path.Storage + "/logs/{yyyy-mm-dd}_default.log",
        MinLevel: syslog.DEBUG,
        MaxFiles: 14,

    "slack": loggers.Slack{
        WebhookUrl: env.StringOr("LOG_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL", ""),
        MinLevel:   syslog.CRIT,

Let's dissect this configuration. First, notice our stack channel aggregates two other channels via its Channels option: daily and slack. So, when logging messages, both of these channels will have the opportunity to log the message.

Log Levels

Take note of the MinLevel configuration option present on the daily and slack channel configurations in the example above. This option determines the minimum "level" a message must be in order to be logged by the channel. loggers.Syslog, which powers Confetti's logging services, offers all of the log levels defined in the RFC 5424 specificationopen in new window: emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, and debug.

So, imagine we log a message using the debug method:

app.Log().Debug("An informational message.")

Given our configuration, the daily channel will write the message to the system log; however, since the error message is not critical or above, it will not be sent to Slack. However, if we log an emergency message, it will be sent to both the system log and Slack since the emergency level is above our minimum level threshold for both channels:

app.Log().Emergency("The system is down!")

Creating Custom Channels And Loggers

As indicated earlier: it is very easy to create channels and loggers yourself. A channel is a combination between a name (present as a key in config.Logging.Channels) and a logger. A logger is simply a struct that conforms to interface inter.Logger().

Let's create a NewRelic channel:

"new_relic": new_relic.LogFacade{
    AppName: App.Name,
    Labels:  App.Env,
    License: env.Str("NEW_RELIC_LICENSE"),

The logger new_relic.LogFacade{} only needs to support interface inter.Logger{}.

Writing Log Messages

You may write information to the logs using the Log facade. As previously mentioned, the logger provides the eight logging levels defined in the RFC 5424 specificationopen in new window: emergency, alert , critical, error, warning, notice, info and debug:

app.Log().Log(syslog.ALERT, message)

So, you may call any of these methods to log a message for the corresponding level. By default, the message will be written to the default log channel as configured by your config/logging.go configuration file:

package controller

import (

func ShowProfile(request inter.Request) inter.Response {
    name := request.Parameter("name")
    request.App().Log().Info("Showing user profile for user: %v", name.String())


Contextual Information

If you have data that you want to include in the logs, you can use the other parameters. Use %v as a placeholder:

app.Log().Info("User %v visit page %v.", "Vapor", "/features")

logData := map[string]int{"name": "Horizon"}
app.Log().Info("User failed to login. %v", logData)

More complex contextual data may also be passed to the log ...With() methods. This contextual data will be formatted to JSON and displayed with the log message:

logData := map[string]string{"id": id.String()}
app.Log().InfoWith("User failed to login.", logData)

If you want to log data as prescribed by the standards, use syslog.StructuredData:

logData := syslog.StructuredData{syslog.SDElement{"id": id.String()}
app.Log().InfoWith("User failed to login.", logData)

Writing To Specific Channels

Sometimes you may wish to log a message to a channel other than your application's default channel. You may use the first parameter from the Log method to log to any channel defined in your configuration file:

app.Log("slack").Alert("Something happened!")

If you would like to create an on-demand logging stack consisting of multiple channels, you can use multiple parameters:

app.Log("single", "slack").Info("Something happened!")


If you have a large system, it might be smart to group logs together. This makes it easier to filter your logs. For example, you could create a group named external to log request and responses, and a group named worker for background jobs.

log := app.Log().Group("external")

log.Info("Task started")
log.Alert("Something happened!")

The above example (in combination with loggers.Syslog) results in the following:

<6>1 2020-11-01T21:42:51.439+01:00 MacBook-Pro.local YourApp 95375 external [level severity="info"] Task started
<1>1 2020-11-01T21:42:52.134+01:00 MacBook-Pro.local YourApp 95375 external [level severity="alert"] Something happened!
Contributors: Reindert Vetter, Vaggelis Yfantis