

Good validation prevents bugs and enhances the security of your application. In this guide, we demonstrate how to validate incoming data in a Go application without using external libraries.

Writing the Validation Logic

In this example, we validate the CreateUser request. The ValidateCreateUser function will handle the validation logic separately from the controller.

package user

import (

type User struct {
    Name  string `json:"name"`
    Email string `json:"email"`

func CreateUser(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) error {
    var user User
    decoder := json.NewDecoder(request.Body)
    if err := decoder.Decode(&user); err != nil {
        return handler.NewSystemError(err, "ag84r3g")
    if err := ValidateCreateUser(user); err != nil {
        return err
    response.Write([]byte("User created successfully"))
    return nil

func ValidateCreateUser(user User) error {
    if strings.TrimSpace(user.Name) == "" {
        return handler.NewUserError("Name is required", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
    if !isValidEmail(user.Email) {
        return handler.NewUserError("Invalid email format", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
    return nil

func isValidEmail(email string) bool {
    emailRegex := `^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$`
    re := regexp.MustCompile(emailRegex)
    return re.MatchString(email)

Handling Nested Attributes

For nested structures, we extend validation by checking nested fields.

type Author struct {
    Name        string `json:"name"`
    Description string `json:"description"`

type Post struct {
    Title  string `json:"title"`
    Author Author `json:"author"`

func ValidatePost(post Post) error {
    if strings.TrimSpace(post.Title) == "" {
        return handler.NewUserError("Title is required", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
    if strings.TrimSpace(post.Author.Name) == "" {
        return handler.NewUserError("Author name is required", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
    if strings.TrimSpace(post.Author.Description) == "" {
        return handler.NewUserError("Author description is required", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
    return nil

Validating Lists

To validate lists of objects, we loop through each item.

type Order struct {
    Street string `json:"street"`

type RequestData struct {
    Orders []Order `json:"orders"`

func ValidateRequestData(data RequestData) error {
    if len(data.Orders) != 3 {
        return handler.NewUserError("Orders must contain exactly 3 items", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
    for i, order := range data.Orders {
        if strings.TrimSpace(order.Street) == "" {
            return handler.NewUserError("Street in order "+string(i)+" is required", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
    return nil

Custom Validation Rules

Using structs for validation improves reusability, maintainability, and testability. By encapsulating validation logic within a struct, you can reuse the same rule across multiple fields and controllers. This keeps the code clean and avoids duplication.

type UppercaseRule struct{}

func (u UppercaseRule) Validate(value string) error {
    if value != strings.ToUpper(value) {
        return handler.NewUserError("The value must be uppercase", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
    return nil


uppercaseRule := UppercaseRule{}
if err := uppercaseRule.Validate(user.Name); err != nil {
    return err



Validates that the input value is not empty or composed solely of whitespace.

package rule

import (

type Required struct{}

func (r Required) Validate(value string) error {
	if strings.TrimSpace(value) == "" {
		return handler.NewUserError("This field is required", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
	return nil


Checks whether the input value is in a valid email address format.

package rule

import (

type Email struct{}

func (e Email) Validate(value string) error {
	re := regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+\-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.\-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$`)
	if !re.MatchString(value) {
		return handler.NewUserError("The value must be a valid email address", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
	return nil


Ensures the input value is a valid URL by parsing it.

package rule

import (

type URL struct{}

func (u URL) Validate(value string) error {
	if _, err := url.ParseRequestURI(value); err != nil {
		return handler.NewUserError("The value must be a valid URL", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
	return nil


Validates that the input contains only alphabetic characters (A–Z and a–z).

package rule

import (

type Alpha struct{}

func (a Alpha) Validate(value string) error {
	re := regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Za-z]+$`)
	if !re.MatchString(value) {
		return handler.NewUserError("The value must contain only alphabetic characters", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
	return nil


Checks that the input consists solely of alphabetic and numeric characters.

package rule

import (

type AlphaNumeric struct{}

func (an AlphaNumeric) Validate(value string) error {
	re := regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Za-z0-9]+$`)
	if !re.MatchString(value) {
		return handler.NewUserError("The value must be alphanumeric", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
	return nil


Verifies that the input can be parsed as a numeric value (supports integers and floats).

package rule

import (

type Numeric struct{}

func (n Numeric) Validate(value string) error {
	if _, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64); err != nil {
		return handler.NewUserError("The value must be numeric", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
	return nil


Ensures that the input value has at least a specified minimum number of characters.

package rule

import (

type MinLength struct {
	Min int

func (m MinLength) Validate(value string) error {
	if utf8.RuneCountInString(value) < m.Min {
		return handler.NewUserError("The value must be at least "+strconv.Itoa(m.Min)+" characters long", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
	return nil


Checks that the input value does not exceed a specified maximum number of characters.

package rule

import (

type MaxLength struct {
	Max int

func (m MaxLength) Validate(value string) error {
	if utf8.RuneCountInString(value) > m.Max {
		return handler.NewUserError("The value must be at most "+strconv.Itoa(m.Max)+" characters long", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
	return nil


Validates that the input’s length falls between a defined minimum and maximum range.

package rule

import (

type BetweenLength struct {
	Min int
	Max int

func (b BetweenLength) Validate(value string) error {
	length := utf8.RuneCountInString(value)
	if length < b.Min || length > b.Max {
		return handler.NewUserError("The value must be between "+strconv.Itoa(b.Min)+" and "+strconv.Itoa(b.Max)+" characters long", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
	return nil


Checks if the input value is one of a predefined list of allowed options.

package rule

import (

type In struct {
	Options []string

func (i In) Validate(value string) error {
	for _, option := range i.Options {
		if value == option {
			return nil
	return handler.NewUserError("The value must be one of the allowed options", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)


Ensures that the input value is not present in a given list of disallowed options.

package rule

import (

type NotIn struct {
	Options []string

func (n NotIn) Validate(value string) error {
	for _, option := range n.Options {
		if value == option {
			return handler.NewUserError("The value is not allowed", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
	return nil


Validates that the input matches a specified regular expression pattern.

package rule

import (

type Regex struct {
	Pattern string

func (r Regex) Validate(value string) error {
	re := regexp.MustCompile(r.Pattern)
	if !re.MatchString(value) {
		return handler.NewUserError("The value does not match the required pattern", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
	return nil


Checks if the input value is a valid date based on the provided format.

package rule

import (

type Date struct {
	Format string

func (d Date) Validate(value string) error {
	if _, err := time.Parse(d.Format, value); err != nil {
		return handler.NewUserError("The value must be a valid date", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
	return nil


Ensures the input date is later than a specified date.

package rule

import (

type AfterDate struct {
	Date   time.Time
	Format string

func (a AfterDate) Validate(value string) error {
	parsed, err := time.Parse(a.Format, value)
	if err != nil {
		return handler.NewUserError("The value must be a valid date", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
	if !parsed.After(a.Date) {
		return handler.NewUserError("The date must be after "+a.Date.Format(a.Format), http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
	return nil


Validates that the input date occurs before a specified date.

package rule

import (

type BeforeDate struct {
	Date   time.Time
	Format string

func (b BeforeDate) Validate(value string) error {
	parsed, err := time.Parse(b.Format, value)
	if err != nil {
		return handler.NewUserError("The value must be a valid date", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
	if !parsed.Before(b.Date) {
		return handler.NewUserError("The date must be before "+b.Date.Format(b.Format), http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
	return nil


Checks that the input value can be parsed as an integer.

package rule

import (

type Integer struct{}

func (i Integer) Validate(value string) error {
	if _, err := strconv.Atoi(value); err != nil {
		return handler.NewUserError("The value must be an integer", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
	return nil


Validates that the input is either "true" or "false", ignoring case.

package rule

import (

type Boolean struct{}

func (b Boolean) Validate(value string) error {
	lower := strings.ToLower(value)
	if lower != "true" && lower != "false" {
		return handler.NewUserError("The value must be a boolean", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
	return nil


Checks that the input value matches the UUID format (version 1–5).

package rule

import (

type UUID struct{}

func (u UUID) Validate(value string) error {
	re := regexp.MustCompile(`^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[89abAB][0-9a-fA-F]{3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$`)
	if !re.MatchString(value) {
		return handler.NewUserError("The value must be a valid UUID", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
	return nil


Ensures that the input value is entirely in lowercase letters.

package rule

import (

type Lowercase struct{}

func (l Lowercase) Validate(value string) error {
	if value != strings.ToLower(value) {
		return handler.NewUserError("The value must be lowercase", http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
	return nil
Contributors: reindert-vetter, Reindert Vetter, Vaggelis Yfantis