
Creating Views

Looking for more information on how to write Go templates? Check out the Text template documentationopen in new window and subsequent HTML template documentationopen in new window to get started.

Views and templates are there to separate your controller/application logic from your presentation logic. A template consists of HTML, while a view contains data that you can use in the template. Views and templates are stored in the resources/views directory.

HTML Response

A simple view for an HTML response might look something like this:

package views

import (

//go:embed homepage.gohtml
var homepageTemplate string

type homepage struct {
    Name string

func Homepage(name string) *homepage {
    return &homepage{
        Name: name,

func (e homepage) Template() string {
    return homepageTemplate

Since the view is stored at resources/views/homepage.go and //go:embed points to homepage.gohtml, you have to create resources/views/homepage.gohtml:

        <h1>Hello, {{ .Name }}</h1>

In a controller you can then return the view as a response.

func Welcome(request inter.Request) inter.Response {
    return outcome.Html(views.Homepage("James"))

JSON Response

You can also use a view for JSON responses. Then the struct do not need to contain a Template method. Use the json tag to specify the field that will be included in the json response. Use json:"title" to lowercase the key:

package views

type book struct {
    Title string `json:"title"`

func Book(title string) *book {
    return &book{
        Title: title,

You can then use the view as a json response:

func ShowBook(request inter.Request) inter.Response {
    return outcome.Json(views.Book("James"))

Although we now call this a View, no one is preventing you from putting these in a folder 'responses'.

Combine Multiple Views

Each website consists of several small templates. For example, you need a menu and footer on every page of your website. Confetti makes it easy to reuse predefined templates.

Define Templates

You can define a template by using the tag define with a reference name. A template that you want to reuse later can look like this:

{{ define "footer" }}
    <footer>Mackays Hotel<br/>No. 1 Bistro<br/>Elgin Street<br/>Lancashire</footer>

Use Defined Templates

You can use the template tag to import predefined templates:

        <h1>World's shortest street</h1>
        {{template "footer"}}


Template Builder

By default, all templates are loaded from resources/views 5 directories deep. If you want to expand it or just want to use very specific templates, you can customize template_builder in providers.ViewServiceProvider. Here you can adjust the built-in Golang *Template. For more information on all possible methods, take a look at the manualopen in new window.

Helper Functions

You can define functions in providers.ViewServiceProvider. You can use those functions in any template:

    return templateBuilder.Funcs(template.FuncMap{
        "Replace": func(input, from, to string) string {
            return strings.Replace(input, from, to, -1)
        "Trim": strings.Trim,


You can then use that function in the template. Use the function followed by the parameters:

<h1>{{ Trim .Title " " }}</h1>
<p>{{ Replace .Description " " "_" }}</p>

Content By View

You may want to use the view for a different purpose. You can get the content of a view by using the view_helper package:

builder := app.Make("template_builder").(inter.TemplateBuilder)
result := view_helper.ContentByView(view, builder)
Contributors: Reindert Vetter, Vaggelis Yfantis